Evaluate your capabilities

Your venture building self-assessment canvas

Use our self-assessment canvas to evaluate your organization's current capabilities and identify areas for improvement to achieve successful outcomes with venture building.

Your venture building self-assessment canvas
What is it about?

The venture building self-assessment canvas is based on insights from our study of over 30 industry leaders in the DACH region. The canvas is designed to help organizations evaluate and enhance their venture building activities. Whether you're grappling with aligning ventures to your corporate goals or navigating governance challenges, this canvas provides a structured framework to assess your current capabilities and identify areas for growth.

Who is it for?

This canvas is tailored for decision-makers and leaders within corporates who are responsible for driving innovation and venture building success. This resource is also invaluable if you're part of the management team looking to integrate venture building into your company's strategy. It's ideal for those who want to ensure that their ventures align with organizational objectives, are guided by clear governance, and have access to the necessary resources and talent.

Main takeaways

Your expertise matters

Participate in our study and shape the future of corporate venture building

You've already had a chance to pursue venture building in your organization? Then go ahead and join our study! Share your experience, successes and set-backs, and help other organizations learn and grow in this field.

Who should participate?


New business departments

Corporate venture building units or venture studios

Innovation Managers

Take part now

We know your time is valuable, but your expertise is priceless. The survey takes just 25 minutes, and your participation will make a real impact.

Complete the survey by October 5th.


of study participants cited new revenue streams generation as one of the reasons to start with venture building.


of study participants have worked with external venture builders.


of study participants have established a dedicated venture building unit or team.

Insights from 30+ corporates across various industries

Our research is built on data gathered from interviews with more than thirty participants from the companies who either have an active venture builder or explored a few venture building projects on a case-by-case basis, spanning across multiple industries, such as Automotive, Chemicals, Construction, Energy, Engineering, Financial Services, Electronics, Travel, Logistics, and others. The insights apply to all corporates diving into venture building, which means you don’t need to reinvent the wheel to get started. Learn from the study participants and our decade of experience to navigate the path to successful venture building.

Your venture building self-assessment canvasYour venture building self-assessment canvas
Your venture building self-assessment canvasYour venture building self-assessment canvas

What insights you will gain

  • The importance of top management commitment and how it drives venture success
  • Strategies for establishing transparent decision-making processes that enhance agility
  • The role of entrepreneurial talent in achieving venture building objectives
  • How to leverage corporate resources to maintain a competitive edge

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We are a corporate venture builder

We leverage corporate power to create successful ventures and new revenue streams. We accompany, support, and help established companies as facilitators, sparring partners, or even team members in the implementation of innovative programs and innovation strategies. Furthermore, we help them make their own ventures a success.

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At WhatAVenture, we leverage corporate power to create successful new ventures and revenue streams.
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